Top 6 Most Long Running Games

Written by Kermit Charles

You can often tell how good a product is just by how long it has been in production. This is certainly true with the video game industry. A game that cannot last more than a few years is probably not one that is going to be talked about years from now. However, there are some games that seem to get more popular with age, and that is what we are going to talk about now. Here are six of the longest running games that you will want to consider playing if you don’t already.

The Oregon Trail

Just about anyone who went to school in the 70s or 80s will remember this game. It also happens to be one of the longest running video game franchises ever created. It made its initial debut way back in 1971 on an HP computer that would make most young people today laugh. That first game used printed messages and a series of teleprinters in order to make it work. Today, the last sequel was designed in 2011, resulting in a total of seven main games that have become a part of the series.


Ys is a Japanese style role playing game that was first developed in 1987. It has evolved into a series of 16 games that have turned into something of a global sensation. The first game was actually designed to be played on an NEC PC-8801. That initial game has evolved into an entire series that has received posited reviews based on its graphic design and music soundtracks.


If you have not heard of Darius, it is one that you will want to download and learn how to play. It is actually a difficult one to master, but once you do, you will be amazed at the possibilities. It is not just another arcade game where you are meant to shoot things up in space. It was first designed in 1987. Since then, ten different entries into the market have been launched. One of the things that Darius is known for is its widescreen look on the playing monitor before such technology actually even existed and became commonplace.

Space Invaders

This might actually be the most popular video game on the list. You would be hard pressed to find a fan of this genre that has not heard of Space Invaders. It was first launched in 1978 on a video game machine in Japan that required coins to play. It became so popular to play during that time that the Yen actually became in short supply as a result of all the playing that took place. The franchise has since evolved into one that has more than 100 different spinoff versions. The graphics have certainly evolved over time, but the general concept remains the same.


Ultima is a popular role playing game that was first created back in 1979. The original game was actually released under the name of Akalabeth. The franchise has not released any new games since 2013, but it has produced 19 different titles over the years. People love playing this game because it is a throwback to everything that Tolkien has ever written. You will find a faithful following of this franchise that continues to grow, even in the absence of any new releases in recent years.


First launched in 1981, Wizardy continues to show its popularity with an impressive 50 games being credited to the franchise. The main series itself only consists of eight games, but there are a number of spinoffs that have been inspired by the storyline. It was first released in Japan but has since evolved into a global phenomenon that has resulted in impressive staying power.

So, there you have the top six longest running video games. These are true classics, and they continue to impress an entirely new generation. Some are educational and others are designed purely for entertainment. No matter why you play each of these games, you cannot help but be amazed at the staying power that these products have resulted in.

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